Identifying serial number on RESU3.3, RESU6.5, RESU10 and RESU13
It is not always possible for customers to directly determine the serial number, due to its location underneath battery cables, but you may attempt before turning to alternatives.
To determine the serial number directly:
(i) Look to the Right-Hand side of the battery.

(ii) You may see the serial number label partially obscured by battery cables and/or conduit. You can either scan the QR code or transcribe it manually in the "Is Your Battery Safe?" mobile app.

Do NOT attempt to dismantle the battery or cabling for easier access to the serial number. Instead, use an alternative option.
Alternative options are:
1. Check your installer-provided documentation to see if your installer included your battery serial number.
2. Contacting your installer to check if they recorded your battery serial number in their internal records.
3. Arranging a site visit for your installer or a qualified electrician to check your serial number. Please ask them to first contact LG Energy Solution Australia's product department at productrecall@lgensol.com or on 1300 677 273 prior to their visit so we can provide technical guidance and arrange payment for their time.
4. Contacting LG Energy Solution Australia's product department to arrange an inspection and (if applicable) a replacement free of charge.
The following illustration shows how the unique serial number appears on a sample ESS RESU Home Battery. Serial numbers begin with "R" or "E" and are 22 or 23 characters (a mix of letters and numbers). The first row depicts the model number and the second row starts with the date of manufacture, ending with unique number for that model. To see the example below, the unique serial number is "R15563P3SSEG11610317001"; however it can be broken down to "R15563P3SSEG1" as the model number, "171215" as the manufacture date (in YY MM DD order), and "9013" as the unique lot number.

Understanding the RESU Battery Serial Number
How to switch off your RESU battery
There are two methods to switch off the battery.
1. Follow the "Shutdown Procedure" on your inverter. Which is located on or around your invertor. Instructions may vary depending on the type of inverter you have.

2. Follow the below procedure
(i) Switch off the AC Isolator, which might be labeled as "AC Isolator," "Solar Supply AC Isolator," or "Inverter Isolator." If there is no AC Isolator near the inverter, toggle the switch labeled "Inverter AC Isolator" or "Solar Supply Main Switch" inside your switchboard.

(ii) Switch off the "PV Array DC Isolator."

(iii) Wait 15 minutes.
(iv) Confirm battery lights have gone off.

(v) Switch back on the "PV Array DC Isolator."

(vi) Turn back on the AC Isolator or Solar Supply Main Switch.